It takes a short walk in the neighborhood and a quick gaze at the roofs of the homes to realize that asphalt shingles dominate. Surely, not all roof types are the same. Not all shingles have the same color. Still, most homes invest in such a roofing material and the fact alone that they are found in many colors is just one of their many advantages. No wonder they are a popular choice between roof materials!
Basic information about asphalt shingles
The most popular asphalt shingles today are those made of fiberglass. At one point, you could also find organic asphalt shingles on the market. Nowadays, you will hardly find any and that’s because their quality was somehow inferior to that of fiberglass asphalt. Their main disadvantage was that they weren’t sufficiently moisture and water resistant.
Today, shingles are made of fiberglass and then covered with asphalt and ceramic granules. And it is the combination of such materials that actually leads to their high popularity. Why? Because such materials are not expensive, while they are durable and resistance.
And then, you have the choice of getting layered or flat asphalt shingles. Naturally, all the above things explain the main advantages of asphalt shingles and by extension, their high demand.
All the good things about asphalt shingles
• Good value for money
• Good looks
• Fire-resistant
• Water-resistant
• Lightweight
• Easy to fix
• Easy to install
• A variety of styles
• Many colors
While the price range is rather wide – and certainly affects quality, the cost of asphalt shingles is pretty low. Now, if you consider that the material is strong and resistant, the good price makes it an excellent value for your money and explains a lot about their high demand.
And there’s one more thing to add here. Since even the most expensive asphalt shingle roof will be truly affordable, you don’t have to settle for the cheapest quality.
Are there NO considerations?
Of course, there are some considerations. All roofing materials have their pros and cons, but whether you consider a disadvantage serious or not depends on your expectations, your location, your budget – many things. And that’s true for all roofing materials.
Back to the shortcomings of asphalt shingles. High-quality asphalt shingles last from 15 to 30 years. That’s okay but not super-fabulous. Cheap-quality shingles last for a little over 10 years, especially if they are daily tested in harsh climates.
While pretty resistant and strong, they are not super-durable and may crack upon impact or if there’s lots of temp fluctuations. Such things imply some need for roof repair from time to time, the replacement of some shingles and also, frequent maintenance.
And there’s one more bad thing about them. Petroleum is the main ingredient of asphalt and so, you wouldn’t call such roofs eco-friendly.
Main reasons for the high demand of asphalt shingle roofs?
The roof replacement cost is always considerable, even if the price per square is low. And since most slope roofs occupy many squares, it’s only natural that homeowners seek frugal solutions while always trying not to compromise too much on quality. And this is exactly what explains the high-demand of asphalt shingles. They are the most cost-effective solutions for roofs since you can pay an average price and get a very good roof that will last for a few decades. If you add to this equation that such roofs hold well under water, protect from fire, and respond ok to winds, you have a very good – wise, you may say – choice for all homes, budgets, and expectations.
Even their small disadvantage – that of shingles cracking, becomes a small headache if you consider how easily shingles are replaced. And then, you have choices when it comes to their appearance as well. Flat or laminated shingles may not be the most fascinating choice but layered asphalt shingles – aka architectural shingles, look great and actually, a lot like wooden shakes. And so, you have the whole package: beauty, convenience, good price, resistance, longevity. All is missing is a good roof company and you are all set to get started.